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Histories of Weather Observation at Selected Locations

In association with the CDMP project to digitize the 19th Century weather data, the Station Histories Project is striving to collect information about the location of the weather stations and their observing practices.  This information may be found in national or local archives, libraries, or in private collections.  The information for a station is gathered together into a written report describing the historical development of weather observations at the site.  Station histories for over 70 stations are currently available. (Click here for citation format.)

These histories are in Adobe PDF format. You must have PDF reader on your computer to view them.

Histories with an asterisk (*) after their name are quite large (over 15 MB), and not recommended for slow internet connections.

List of available histories - click on the station name:

Citation Format:

Please use the following citation format to refer to the station histories available on this web site. Substitute in the appropriate author(s), year, and title for the station history you are referring to.

Conner, G., 2006: History of Weather Observations, Helena, Montana, 1866-1948. Station History Report to the Climate Database Modernization Program of NOAA's National Climatic Data Center, Midwestern Regional Climate Center, 61 pp. [Available from Midwestern Regional Climate Center, 915 W. State St. West Lafayette, IN 47907.]