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National & Regional Weather Networks

Data from many surface networks are available to the atmospheric science and hydrology communities. Select a link for more detailed information on that network, or see the summary table below for an overview of available observations.

Near real-time/archived data available for air temperature (AirT); relative humidity (RH); wind (speed, direction, sometimes gust); precipitation (Ppt); snowfall and snow depth (Snow), solar radiation (Solar); barometric pressure (Press); soil temperature at various levels (SoilT); soil moisture at various levels (SoilM); and derived dew point temperature (Td). The number of stations are approximate for each network and only account for the continental US.

Hover over network to see full network name. Click on Network to visit the affiliated website and Detail to see a brief network summary. X: measured at all sites. (X): measured at some sites.

Network Info Start Year Sites AirT RH Wind Ppt Solar Press Snow SoilT SoilM Td Other
i 1990s 900 X X X X X X
i 1990s 650 X X X X X X
i 1990s 350 X X X X X X X
i 1998 24,000 X (X)
GL Buoys
i 1979 238 X X X
i 1990s 15,000 (X) (X) (X) X
Network Info Start Year Sites AirT RH Wind Ppt Solar Press Snow SoilT SoilM Td Other
i 1890 8,700 X X X
i 1790-1892 326 X X X X X X
i 1980s 2,200 X X X X X (X) X
i 1991 200 X X X X X X X X X
i 1995 29 X X X X X X
i 2001 106 X X X X X X X
i 2006 92 X X