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Map Run Times

Maps on the MRCC web site are updated on a regular daily schedule, with some maps updated several times per day. The update schedule is based on data availability and server load, so the times below may be approximate.

*Product Currently Not Available
Run Times (Central Standard Time)
Last Verified 10/18/2024
Lag Time
Accumulated Winter Season Severity Index (AWSSI) 20 Minutes Passed Every Hour 1-day
Bi-National Precipitation* 6:00 PM 1-day
Chilling Hours Maps* 4:00 AM None
Climate Extremes Tool 4:15 PM None
Days Without Precipitation Maps 11:55 AM 1-day
Evapotranspiration and Water Balance Maps 1:35 PM None
Freeze/Vegetation Guidance Map 12 AM, 3 AM, 6 AM, 9 AM, 12 PM, 3 PM, 6 PM, 9 PM None
Hours Below Freezing Tool* 11:20 AM None
Keetch-Byram Drought Index Maps 2:00 PM 1-day
Midwest Climate Watch: Daily Station Freeze Maps 12:20 PM 1-day
Midwest Climate Watch: Daily Station Temperature & Precipitation Maps 8:00 AM, 11:45 AM, AND 7:00 PM None
Midwest Climate Watch: First & Last Snow Maps 12:50 PM None
Midwest Climate Watch: Gridded Maps 10:15 AM, 1:15 PM, 7:15 PM None
Midwest Climate Watch: Hourly Station Maps* 7:15 AM AND 11:15 AM 1-day
Midwest Climate Watch: Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimate Maps 2:00 PM, 9:00 PM None
Midwest Climate Watch: NOHRSC Snowfall Maps 12:05 PM None
Regional Mesonet Program: Soil Temperature and Potential Evapotranspiration Maps 1:10 PM 1-day
Seasonal Freeze Maps 10:00 AM, 4:00 PM, AND 10:00 PM None
Stress Degree Day Maps 2:15 PM 1-day