Resilient Chicago Climate Workshop
September 30, 2014 9:00 - 4:00 (Central)
Scientific consensus indicates that the climate is changing at a global scale and that greenhouse gas emissions are chiefly responsible for the change. While it remains critical to reduce emissions to limit climate change, it is wise to prepare for its impacts at the same time.
This one-day workshop will include presentations and discussion on adapting to temperature, extreme precipitation (flood and drought), and ecosystem changes in northeastern Illinois. The workshop will also include an overview of historical climate trends and future projections based on the 2014 National Climate Assessment. In addition, workshop attendees will learn how to incorporate climate adaptation planning into their current community plans, as well as how to address the challenges of adaptation planning. There will be a keynote presentation from Joyce Coffee, managing director of the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index (ND-GAIN), as well as other local guest speakers from Alliance for the Great Lakes, Center for Neighborhood Technology, Chicago Wilderness, ComEd, The Field Museum, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, and the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health.
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant, Midwestern Regional Climate Center, Illinois State Climatologist Office.
2014 Resilient Chicago Climate Workshop AgendaResources
(+/-) General Adaptation Resources
(+/-) Session 1: Basics of Climate Change
- Workshop Presentation
- Additional Resources
(+/-) Session 2: Adapting to Temperature Changes
- Workshop Presentations
- Additional Resources
(+/-) Session 3: Adapting to Ecosystem Changes
- Workshop Presentations
- Ecosystems and Climate Change (Molly Woloszyn, IISG/MRCC)
- Green Infrastructure as an Adaptation Planning Tool for People and Nature (Jeff Mengler, Hey and Associates, Inc.)
- Climate-Informed Planning and Management for Urban Natural Resources (Abigail Derby Lewis, Chicago Wilderness)
- Climate Ready Coastal Communities, From Planning to Implementation (Angela Larsen, Alliance for the Great Lakes)
- Additional Resources
(+/-) Session 4: Keynote Speaker, Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index
(+/-) Session 5: Flood and Drought: Adapting to Extreme Precipitation
- Workshop Presentations
- Extreme Precipitation Trends, Future Changes, and Potential Impacts (Jim Angel, IL State Climatologist)
- Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Stormwater Ordinance (John Murray, MWRD)
- Rain Ready: Working with Communities and Homeowners to Find Solutions to Too Much and Too Little Water (Harriet Festing, Center for Neighborhood Technology)
- Drought-Ready Communities (Jim Angel, IL State Climatologist)
- Additional Resources
(+/-) Session 6: Challenges of Adaptation Planning
- Workshop Presentation
- Additional Resources