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Weather Calculators

Conversions and calculators for many common weather types

TemperatureWind SpeedWind ChillHeat IndexRelative Humidity
Dew Point from Relative HumidityWet-bulb from Relative HumidityStation Pressure

Temperature Conversion

Enter a number then click on the the conversion button.

Wind Speed Conversion

Enter a speed into any blank to convert to all other wind speeds.

Wind Chill Calculation

Enter the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and wind speed in mph, then click on the Calculate WC to compute the windchill index.

Heat Index Calculations

Enter the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and the Dew Point (Tdp), or relative humidity (RH) in percent (without the % sign).  Then click on the Calculate HI to compute the heat index (HI).


Click for Heat Index Danger Ranges

Relative Humidity Calculation

Enter the air temperature and the dew point in degrees Fahrenheit, then click on the Calculate RH to compute the relative humidity.

Dew Point from Relative Humidity

Enter a temperature and relative humidity.


Wet-bulb from Relative Humidity

Enter a temperature, relative humidity and actual station pressure.


Station Pressure Calculation

(i.e. Urbana = 743)