Article #370: February 22-28, 2003
Midwest Overview - February 22-28, 2003 The last week of February was very cold in the Midwest, with...
Midwest Overview - February 22-28, 2003 The last week of February was very cold in the Midwest, with...
Midwest Overview - February 15-21, 2003 A very strong winter storm arrived south of the Midwest at th...
The week of February 8-14 proved to be the quiet before the storm, as most of the period was inactive until a very strong low pressure system entered...
Midwest Overview - February 8-14, 2003 The week of February 8-14 proved to be the quiet be...
The week of February 8-14 proved to be the quiet before the storm, as most of the period was inactive until a very strong low pressure system entered...
The week of February 8-14 proved to be the quiet before the storm, as most of the period was inactive until a very strong low pressure system entered...
Midwest Overview - February 1-7, 2003 Precipitation activity revived in the northern Midwest during t...
Midwest Overview - January 22-31, 2003 The anomalous cold in the Midwest intensified during the period of January 22-31, and some areas suffering fro...
Midwest Overview - January 15-21, 2003 The week of January 15-21 was markedly cold in the Midwest for the time of year, and precipitation events yiel...
Midwest Overview - January 8-14, 2003 The week of January 8-14 started with a continuation of the early January warmth in the Midwest. This warm spel...
Midwest Overview - January 1-7, 2003 The new year started in an active pattern, with two low pressure systems affecting the region during the first t...
Midwest Overview - December 22-31, 2002 The weather highlight the last ten days of the month was a snowstorm on December 23-24 that gave parts of Mis...
Midwest Overview - December 15-21, 2002 The period of December 15-21 was wet for the time of year, with rain exceeding 2-3 inches in places in the so...
Midwest Overview - December 8-14, 2002 The week of December 8-14 was exceedingly dry in most of the Midwest, even in many of the Lake Effect belts. O...
Midwest Overview - December 1-7, 2002 The weather during the first week of December was quite active in the southern tier of the Midwest and in the G...
Midwest Overview - November 22-30, 2002 During November 22-30, the Midwest was not hit directly by any major storms. However, systems moving to the s...
Midwest Overview - November 15-21, 2002 The week of November 15-21 was very quiet in the Midwest. Most of the meager precipitation for the period (Fi...
Midwest Overview - November 8-14, 2002 The week of November 8-14 was dry for the northwestern two-thirds of the region, with one substantial rain eve...
Midwest Overview - November 1-7, 2002 The first week of November was fairly quiet, with one weak system moving through t...
Midwest Overview - October 23-31, 2002 Much colder than normal weather dominated the entire Midwest that last 10 day...