Article #803: January 2010
Midwest Overview - January 2010 Precipitation and Snow Precipitation was near (within 1/2 inch) or above normal acro...
Midwest Overview - January 2010 Precipitation and Snow Precipitation was near (within 1/2 inch) or above normal acro...
Midwest Overview - December 2009 Temperature December temperatures ranged from several degrees below normal along the west...
Midwest Overview - November 2009 Warm Temperatures November saw a reversal of the temperature pattern seen in October...
Midwest Overview - October 2009 A Month of Records Persistent cold and wet weather resulted in numerous temperature an...
Midwest Overview - September 2009 Precipitation Precipitation varied considerably in September (Figure 1). Percent of nor...
Midwest Overview - July 2009 Cold Temperatures This was the coldest July on record for the nine-state Midwest region, bas...
Midwest Overview - June 2009 A Stormy Month June was a very active month for thunderstorms and severe weather across...
Midwest Overview - May 2009 May Weather Precipitation varied from below 50% of normal in northwest Iowa, central Minnesot...
Midwest Overview - March 2009 A Stormy March March was a stormy month for parts of the Midwest, and a dry one for ot...
Midwest Overview - February 2009 A Mixed Bag The Midwest was cold north and warm south, with some exceptions during F...
Midwest Overview - December 2008 A Cold, Snowy December December was a very activ...
Midwest Overview - November 2008 Warm Start, Wintry End After a very warm start, the month of November ended with cold...
Midwest Overview - October 2008 A Quiet October October was quiet across most of the Midwest, with near average tempe...
Midwest Overview - September 2008 A Wet Start, Dry End Two tropical systems, Gustav and Ike, brought heavy rain to t...
Midwest Overview - August 2008 A Very Dry August August was an about-face from June and July as far as rainfall is co...
Midwest Overview - July 2008 The Heavy Rain Continues Much of the central Midwest received normal to above normal rainfal...
Midwest Overview - June 2008 Record Rainfall and Record Flooding June was a very wet month across a significant porti...
Midwest Overview - May 2008 Cold and Wet May was cooler than normal across the entire Midwest, although there was a l...
Midwest Overview - April 2008 The Ying and Yang of April Weather in the Midwest There was a marked difference in both temp...
Midwest Overview - March 2008 Cold and Snowy Temperatures were below normal across the entire Midwest during March (Figur...