October 2008
Midwest Overview - October 2008
A Quiet October
October was quiet across most of the Midwest, with near average temperatures and precipitation being the norm. Precipitation was near to above average across most of the western half of the Midwest, while eastern portions of the region saw only 50% to 75% of normal precipitation (Figure 1). Rainfall was heaviest this month in extreme western parts of Iowa and Minnesota, where as much as 300% of normal rainfall was reported. Despite the heavy rainfall, no flooding was reported in Minnesota. Some areas of the Midwest also saw their first snowfall of the winter season this month (Figure 2). Parts of northern and northwestern Minnesota, and northern Wisconsin saw up to an inch of snow, with isolated totals of more than two inches across upper Michigan. Severe weather was very limited across the region, with only a few reports on October 15 in Indiana.
Temperatures were near normal across most of the Midwest (Figure 3). Temperatures were slightly cooler than normal from Missouri in to northern Illinois and across parts of Michigan. Areas of Indiana, Kentucky, Wisconsin and Minnesota saw slightly above average temperatures. Average high temperatures ranged from 1°F above normal over parts of Indiana to 2°F to 3°F below normal across Missouri (Figure 4). Average low temperatures were 1°F to 2°F above normal across northern Minnesota and below average over much of the rest of the region (Figure 5).