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February 22-29, 2020

  • Weekly Summary

Midwest Weekly Highlights - February 22-29, 2020

Mixed Temperatures

Temperatures across the Midwest were a mix of above and below normal for the last week of February (Figure 1).  However, most of the region was within a few degrees of normal.  Areas in Iowa, northern Missouri and Michigan were 1-3°F above normal, while the Ohio River Valley and northern Minnesota were 1-2°F below normal.  Most of Wisconsin, southern Minnesota and northern Illinois were near normal.

Precipitation Stays South

Moderate precipitation fell across the southern half of the region during the final week of February, while the Upper Midwest had little to no precipitation (Figure 2).  Only a few areas in Missouri and the Ohio River Valley had more than an inch of precipitation for the period.  This resulted in some areas of Missouri receiving more than twice the normal amount (Figure 3).  Most of Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota registered no precipitation, however.  Snowfall was common along the Great Lakes as well as central Illinois (Figure 4).  Most of this snow fell through the mornings of February 26 (Figure 5) and February 27 (Figure 6) as a storm moved through the region.

Drought-Free Conditions Continue

For the 16th consecutive week, the Midwest remained drought free according to the U.S. Drought Monitor (Figure 7).  The Midwest also recorded its 7th consecutive week with no abnormally dry conditions.  Wetter winter weather coupled with high soil moisture content have been contributing factors to the lack of drought.  Soil moisture values that were in the 90th percentile or higher were widespread across the region, with some areas in the Upper Midwest in the 99th percentile (Figure 8).  Concerns about planting and flooding were expected into the spring.


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