July 8-14, 2009
Midwest Weekly Highlights - July 8-14, 2009
Cool temperatures continued across the Midwest in week two (Figure 1). The coolest temperatures, 7°F below normal, were in northern Minnesota and the warmest, within a couple degrees of normal, were in southwestern Missouri. Numerous record temperatures were set during the week with temperatures dropping below 40°F at 19 cooperative stations (Figure 2) across three northern states.
Rainfall across the region was variable in the second week of July (Figure 3). Northwest Iowa and extreme southwest Minnesota received around 3 inches putting them over 200% of normal. Parts of Missouri, Illinois, and Ohio also exceeded 200% of normal. Large areas of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio were quite dry, receiving less than 50% of normal. Smaller areas of Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois were also dry. Minnesota did get soaking rains on July 14th after the morning observations (Figure 4). Although these rains will not be reflected on the July 14th Drought Monitor (Figure 5), the moisture was welcome in the drought stricken area. Preliminary rainfall totals in Minnesota exceeded 4 inches at a handful of stations.
Two tornadoes were reported in Illinois (Peoria and Mason Counties) on July 8th. Tornadoes struck Pike and Ross Counties in Ohio on July 11th. The Ohio twisters, along with straight line winds associated with the same system, leveled some homes and destroyed trailers. There were injuries, including a family hurt when their trailer home was blown over. July 14th brought tornadoes to west central Minnesota (Pope and Kandiyohi Counties). Tornado damage was relatively minor as reported by local officials.
Other Severe Weather
July 9th storms dropped large hail in a small areas of northwest Missouri, northwest Iowa, and into southwest Minnesota. The largest hail reported was up to 4 inches in diameter in Sheldon, Iowa (O'Brien County). Damage to houses and cars along a narrow strip through the middle of town was significant. Many car windows were broken or completely blown out and insurance companies reported that some cars were total losses due to extensive hail damage.
July 10th brought hail 1" or bigger to Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Wind damage, mostly downed trees and power lines, affected residents of Missouri, Iowa, Indiana, and Michigan. On July 11th Missouri and Ohio were affected by strong thunderstorm winds that blew down trees and power lines. Scioto County, Ohio had reports of over 600 trees blown down along with damage to six barns.
Thunderstorms on July 12th brought wind damage to western Iowa, Missouri, and Kentucky. Large hail was also reported in Missouri. Thunderstorms moved through Iowa and Minnesota on July 13th to 14th bringing large hail and wind damage. Polk County, Iowa was hit with 3" hail stones.