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August 14-20, 2002

  • Weekly Summary

August 14-20, 2002: Substantial Relief from Dry Conditions in the Central Midwest.

The central Midwest finally received some substantial relief from the mid-summer dryness plaguing the region. The period from August 14-20 brought more than one inch of rain to most of the Midwest, with eastern Missouri and central Illinois received 3 or more inches (Figure 17). Almost all of Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and western Kentucky received more than 200% of normal precipitation for the week, while only southwestern Minnesota, Iowa, and parts of the Ohio Valley received less than 75% of normal (Figure 18). Temperatures were cool to the west, with Minnesota and Iowa averaging 4-7°F below normal, and warm to the east, with Ohio averaging 3-6°F above normal (Figure 19). A large portion of the Midwest in between was close to normal in temperature. The rains brought considerable relief to the region, with abnormal dryness removed from Wisconsin, Michigan, central Illinois, and west central Indiana (Figure 20, NDMC). Unfortunately, the Ohio Valley drought continued to intensify due to a lack of rain and warmer than normal temperatures.

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