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November 7-13, 2001

  • Weekly Summary

November 7-13, 2001

Unseasonably mild weather continued across the Midwest through the half of the Midwest enjoying daily high temperatures in the 60s. Overall, daytime maximum temperatures averaged 2 to 16°F above normal (Figure 11), while clear nights and radiational cooling allowed low temperatures to drop to seasonal normals. The highest departures were found in southwestern Minnesota and northwestern Iowa, where average daily temperatures averaged 12°F above normal (Figure 12). Precipitation was limited to mostly light rain with two weak weather systems (Figure 13). On November 8 a cold front sweeping through the Midwest produced a line of showers along and ahead of the front. Rainfall amounts with these showers varied from only several hundredths of an inch in Illinois and Indiana to a half inch in northern Michigan. Another weak disturbance across the northern Midwest on November 12th and 13th brought rain to central Minnesota and showers to southern Wisconsin, southern Michigan, northern Illinois, and northern Indiana. Rainfall amounts were the heaviest in Minnesota where St. Cloud reported 1.30 inches.

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