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October 24-31, 2001

  • Weekly Summary

October 24-31, 2001:

The last eight days of October began with one of the strongest late season severe weather outbreaks in many years in the Midwest, in conjunction with blizzard conditions at northern latitudes. Precipitation amounts of 1-3 inches fell in most of the eastern and far northern Midwest, while very little precipitation fell in the west during this period (Figure 27). Southern Indiana, northern Michigan, and northwestern Minnesota received 1-2.5 inches of rain more than normal for the October 24-31 period (Figure 28), and much of the eastern Midwest received more than 200% of normal (Figure 29). Temperatures for the last 8 days of October averaged from 1°F below normal in the eastern Midwest to 47°F below normal in the western Midwest (Figure 30), although temperatures did moderate towards the end of the month. The rain during the period relieved drought conditions in eastern Ohio, but the lack of rain in Minnesota and Iowa led to an expansion of abnormally dry conditions in those states.


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