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November 22-30, 2000

  • Weekly Summary

November 22-30, 2000:

Since the 21st, only the extreme southern Midwest received as much as 0.5 inches of rain as a powerful rain-producing low pressure center traveled to the south and east of the region. The month ended with a very dry week, with only light snow from a clipper system in the northern Midwest. The far eastern edges of the Midwest in Ohio and Kentucky dried considerably and are now rated as abnormally dry or at the first stage of drought.

Temperatures in the Midwest have been below normal since November 15, with most of the central and southern parts of the region being 7 to 11 Deg F below normal over that period. Only near the northern and northeastern edges of the region were temperatures even close to normal, being only 2 to 5 Deg below normal (Figure 10).

Originally posted: