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July 25-31, 2016

  • Weekly Summary

Midwest Weekly Highlights - July 25-31, 2016

Another Wet Week for Kentucky

Wet weather continued in Kentucky as more than two inches of rain fell across most of the state (Figure 1).  Isolated areas received more than four inches.  Powderly (Muhlenberg County) received 5.69 inches and the Frankfort Lock (Franklin County) had 5.88 inches.  While precipitation fell each day during the period, most fell through the mornings of July 28 (Figure 2) and July 29 (Figure 3).

Wet conditions were also found in southern Missouri and Illinois, where more than an inch of precipitation fell.  Northern Wisconsin and Lower Michigan also received more than an inch.  Rainfall avoided Iowa during the week, as most of the state received less than a quarter of the normal amount (Figure 4).  Drier weather was also found across most of Minnesota, southern Wisconsin, northern Indiana and northern Ohio.

Hot in the Eastern Midwest

Temperatures were above normal across the eastern half of the Midwest (Figure 5).  Temperatures in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Kentucky were 1-3°F above normal, with pockets up to 4°F above normal.  Ohio was slightly hotter at 3-6°F above normal.  The hot weather in the eastern Midwest was just the far western edge of a very hot week across the eastern United States.  Further west, Iowa and northwest Missouri were slightly cooler than normal.  Near-normal temperatures were common across most of Wisconsin, Minnesota and central Missouri.

Less Active Week of Severe Weather

Severe weather was not as common during the final week of July compared the rest of the month (Figure 6).  Only one day, July 27, produced more than ten storm reports in the region.  Severe weather on July 27 produced weak tornadoes in Barron County, WI and Kossuth, Winnebago and Humboldt counties, IA.  A three-inch hailstone was also reported in McLeod County, MN, while wind damage occurred in parts of east-central Minnesota, central Wisconsin, northern Lower Michigan and Kentucky.

Drought Continues to Expand in Ohio

The expansion of drought in northern Ohio continued according to the July 26 Drought Monitor (Figure 7).  More than a third of Ohio was considered to be in moderate drought while three-fourths of the state was considered either abnormally dry or in drought.  Other parts of the region fared slightly better however.  Drought decreased slightly in Michigan, southern Iowa and northern Missouri.  A fifth of the region remained either abnormally dry or in drought.


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