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June 1-7, 2017

  • Weekly Summary

Midwest Weekly Highlights - June 1-7, 2017

Hot, but Pleasant

Temperatures were above normal across most of the Midwest during the first week of June (Figure 1).  Iowa and Minnesota were the most above normal, with western Minnesota and northwest Iowa 6-9°F above normal.  Northern Missouri, northern Illinois, Wisconsin and eastern parts of Iowa and Minnesota were 3-6°F above.  Further east, temperatures were near normal across Ohio with slightly below-normal temperatures in eastern Kentucky.  Maximum temperatures had a major effect, as most of Minnesota and Iowa were 8-12°F above normal (Figure 2).  Temperatures in the upper 80s and 90s were common on June 2 (Figure 3) and June 3 (Figure 4).  These hot temperatures were made bearable, however, by low humidity.  Dozens of daily high maximum and minimum temperature records were broken across the region as well (Figure 5).

Very Dry

The warm weather across the region was accompanied by dry conditions for many (Figure 6).  Most of Iowa, southern Minnesota, and northern parts of Illinois and Missouri had little to no precipitation during the period.  Most of Indiana received less than half the normal amount as well (Figure 7).  A few areas in southern Kentucky and northeastern Wisconsin had above-normal precipitation.  The rainfall in these areas mostly occurred through the mornings of June 4 (Figure 8) and June 5 (Figure 9).  A few wind and hail reports occurred during severe weather from these storms (Figure 10).

Drought Returns

After a six-week absence, drought was introduced into the Midwest in northwestern Minnesota as shown in the June 6 U.S. Drought Monitor (Figure 11).  According to the National Drought Mitigation Center, very dry weather across northwestern Minnesota was putting stress on vegetation.  Hot but not humid weather during the week also enhanced evaporation potential across western Minnesota (Figure 12).


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