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June 1-9, 2014

  • Weekly Summary

Midwest Weekly Highlights - June 1-9, 2014

Temperatures Remain Above Average

Temperatures in the region remained mostly above average to start June, though not as much above normal as the end of May (Figure 1). Central and eastern Wisconsin had the largest departures at 6°F to 7°F above normal, while areas of southwestern Minnesota, northwestern Iowa, southern Ohio, and north-central Ohio were within 1°F of normal. The biggest driver of the above normal temperatures was minimum temperature as large areas of the region saw departures from normal of 5°F or greater (Figure 2). Departures of normal maximum temperature were much more mixed, ranging from below and near normal in the western parts of the region and above normal in the northern and eastern parts (Figure 3). With temperatures closer to normal to start June, average temperatures regressed slightly throughout the region versus the end of May . Average temperatures ranged from upper 70's in extreme southeastern Missouri and southwestern Kentucky to low 50's in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and northeast Minnesota (Figure 4). Average maximum temperatures ranged from the upper-60's to mid-80's, and average minimum temperatures ranged from the mid-40's to the upper-60's (Figure 5)(Figure 6).

Widespread Precipitation Helps Wash Away Drought

Precipitation was was plentiful for much of the region, with many areas seeing as 2" of rain or more (Figure 7). Areas along the Iowa-Missouri border saw the most precipitation, with totals in the neighborhood of 5" to 6" of rain or more. As a result of the widespread rain, many areas in the western half of the region received 200% of normal precipitation or more (Figure 8). Again, the Iowa-Missouri border saw the greatest departures with 300% to 400% of normal precipitation. Much of the precipitation fell in areas of the region that were still experiencing drought or abnormally dry conditions, and as a result, helped reduce the percentage area experiencing drought or abnormally dry conditions by nearly one-third (Figure 9)

Severe Weather on Most Days

Every state in the region experienced severe weather, except for Indiana (Figure 10). Severe weather was experienced on more days than not as well, with at least one storm report was seen within the region on 7 of the 9 days to start June (Figure 11). Tornadoes were also reported in most of the states within the region, including Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, and Ohio.

Corn Progressing, and Soybean Planting Ramping Up

With the vast majority of corn planted, the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS) has shifted to reporting weekly updates of crop emergence and condition. Thus far, all states in the region have 80% or greater corn emergence and no state has greater than 6% of their corn crop listed as in poor or very poor condition. With regards to soybeans, planting is remains ongoing, and has surpassed the 2009-2013 average percentage of soybeans planted in most cases. Read more in the June 9th USDA NASS Crop Progress Report.



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