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April 22-30, 2014

  • Weekly Summary

Midwest Weekly Highlights - April 22-30, 2014

Wet Week for Many and Snow Still Falling Around Lake Superior

Precipitation fell across most of the region, with totals as high as 6+ inches in parts of central Minnesota and southeastern Missouri (Figure 1). The wet end to April meant most parts of the region saw above normal precipitation (Figure 2). Many areas across the region saw 200% of normal or greater, with the primary exceptions being Indiana, southern Michigan, and southwest Missouri. Minnesota saw the greatest departure from normal precipitation with areas receiving in excess of 750% of normal, or 5+ inches more than normal (Figure 3). Snow continues to fall in the region, though only in the most northern parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (Figure 4).


Severe Weather Roars through the Region

After a quiet week with regards to severe weather, the end of April was anything but (Figure 5). Tornadoes were reported in Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, and Kentucky along with numerous other high wind and hail reports in those states along with Michigan and Ohio. Most of the action in the region occurred over a three day period from April 27th through April 29th as a low pressure system tracked across the Midwest (Figure 6) (Figure 7). Over the three day period Indiana, Wisconsin and Minnesota saw minimal severe weather.


Below Normal Temperatures in the North, Above and Near Normal in the South

Temperatures were a mixed bag to end April, with areas in the northern parts of the region experiencing below normal temperatures and areas in the southern parts experiencing near normal or above normal temperatures (Figure 8). The largest departures from normal were -8°F or greater in the large parts of eastern Minnesota and western Wisconsin. Interestingly, the below average temperatures in the northern parts of the region were driven almost exclusively by maximum temperatures, where departures were as large as -15°F (Figure 9). On the above normal end, the largest departures were seen in northern Kentucky and southern Indiana where departures were 2-4°F. As spring warming continues, the only remaining areas of near freezing average temperature reside around Lake Superior (Figure 10), where significant lake ice remains (Figure 11).


Assistant Climatologist for the Midwestern Regional Climate Center.

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