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January 25-31, 2014

  • Weekly Summary

Midwest Weekly Highlights - January 25-31, 2014

More of the Same Precipitation Pattern

The pattern that kept precipitation in the northern and eastern portions of the Midwest region during the third week of January continued through the end of the month. Precipitation was sparse south of the line from northwest Iowa through central Kentucky (Figure 1). The only areas that received an inch of precipitation or greater were northern Minnesota, western Michigan, and parts of the eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Those areas, along with much of Wisconsin and souther Minnesota were the only areas to receive normal or above-normal precipitation (Figure 2).

Since most of the precipitation was in the northern parts of the region, the majority of it fell as snow. Parts of western Michigan along Lake Michigan received as much as 25" of snow on the week (Figure 3). Even though as much as 25" of snow fell in parts of Michigan, the greatest positive departures from normal for snow were seen along the Minnesota-Wisconsin border where upwards of 10-15" of snow fell, 400-500% of normal (Figure 4). The majority of the non-lake effect snow fell on the 25th and 30th, primarily in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (Figure 5). Throughout the week, lake effect snow fell along western Michigan, with the most pronounced totals occurring on the 24th through the morning of the 25th (Figure 6).

Strong Arctic Blast

The last week of January saw the continuation of cold arctic air with another blast resulting in below average temperatures for the entire region (Figure 7). The largest departures from normal were seen in areas of northern Minnesota, northern Wisconsin, and southeast Ohio where temperatures were as much as 18°F below normal. Average maximum temperatures were in the single digits for much of Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, with below freezing average highs as far south as northern Kentucky (Figure 8). Average minimum temperatures were in the single digits in most of the region, while areas of northern Minnesota and northern Wisconsin experienced average minimum temperatures in the -10°F to -20°F range (Figure 9). The minimum temperatures were the biggest driver of the below normal temperatures in the region as they were as much as 25°F below normal in parts of southeastern Ohio (Figure 10).


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