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April 15-21, 2019

  • Weekly Summary

Midwest Weekly Highlights - April 15-21, 2019

Still Wet

Precipitation amounts continued to be above normal across a large portion of the Midwest during the week (Figure 1).  More than an inch of precipitation fell across southeastern Minnesota through northern Wisconsin and across most of the Ohio River Valley and Michigan.  Heavier amounts over 2 inches fell in eastern Indiana, western Ohio and western Kentucky.  Severe weather was sparse, however, and limited to mostly western Missouri on April 17 (Figure 2). Drier weather was common across Iowa, Missouri and southern Wisconsin, however.  Most of Iowa had less than half the normal amount (Figure 3).  Regardless, the record streak of no abnormally dry or drought conditions on the U.S. Drought Monitor in the Midwest continued for the eighth consecutive week (Figure 4).

Moderated Temperatures

Temperatures were mostly within 5°F of normal across the entire Midwest, with a few warmer and colder areas (Figure 5).  Warmer conditions were prominent across Iowa, northern Missouri, northern Minnesota and eastern Ohio, where temperatures were 1-4°F above normal.  Cooler conditions were found across western Kentucky where temperatures were 2-4°F below normal. Most of Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan was near normal.

Wet Soils Delay Planting

While still early in the planting season, delays in planting have already begun in the southern Midwest due to wet soils (Figure 6).  According to NASS Crop Progress Reports, Missouri has planted 16 percent of its corn crop, which is only about half the five-year average.  Illinois corn was only at 1 percent planted, compared to its average of 17 percent.  Kentucky corn was at 17 percent which was near the five-year average.  Drier weather in Iowa allowed for fieldwork, but most of the Upper Midwest remained too wet for field activities ahead of planting cash crops.


Moderate to major flooding continued along a large portion of the Mississippi River and Red River in the Midwest during the week (Figure 7).  Major flooding along the Mississippi was largely confined to southern Iowa (Figure 8).  Most of the Red River was at moderate flood stage with major flooding at Fargo, ND/Morehead, MN (Figure 9).


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