Article #1006: August 22-31, 2012
Midwest Weekly Highlights - August 22-31, 2012 Precipitation Scattered Portions of t...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - August 22-31, 2012 Precipitation Scattered Portions of t...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - August 15-21, 2012 Widespread Below Average Precipitation...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - August 8-14, 2012 Relief from the Heat For the first t...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - August 1-7, 2012 Precipitation Scattered The first week...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - July 25-31, 2012 Precipitation Totals Varied in the Midwest...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - July 18-24, 2012 Precipitation Amounts Varied A few st...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - July 11-17, 2012 Widespread Below Normal Precipitation...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - July 1-10, 2012 Little Rain through the Central Midwest Pr...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - June 24-30, 2012 Widespread Below Average Precipitation...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - June 17-23, 2012 Heavy Rains in the North, Dry in the South...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - June 10-16, 2012 Dry in the East There was more dry weath...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - June 1-9, 2012 Rains in Northern Michigan but Dry Elsewhere...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - May 22-31, 2012 Heavy Rains in Minnesota Minnesota picked...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - May 15-21, 2012 Back to Back Dry Weeks A second straig...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - May 8-14, 2012 Dry Weather for Most of the Midwest Rainfa...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - May 1-7, 2012 Warm Continues into May May was off to a w...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - April 22-30, 2012 Higher Precipitation Totals in Southern Parts of the R...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - April 15-21, 2012 Weather conditions varied greatly during the third w...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - April 8-14, 2012 Mix of Above and Below Average Tempe...
Midwest Weekly Highlights - April 1-7, 2012 Cooler Temperatures as Week Progressed Abo...