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Weekly Summary

  • Article #171: August 8-14, 2022

    Cooler Temperatures Return Cooler temperatures settled into the Midwest this week (Figure 1) with every state running below normal except Kentucky (0....

  • Article #172: August 15-21, 2022

    Southern Midwest, Cooler; Upper Midwest, Warmer The southern Midwest recorded below normal temperatures and the upper Midwest observed above normal te...

  • Article #173: August 22-31, 2022

    Normal to Above Normal Temperatures Temperatures were near normal to above normal across the Midwest this week, with the highest temperature departure...

  • Article #174: September 1-7, 2022

    Above-Normal Temperatures for Midwest, Except Missouri Above-normal temperatures returned to much of the Midwest this week (Figure 1). Minnesota had t...

  • Article #176: September 8-14, 2022

    Southern Midwest Cooler than Normal Preliminary temperature data for this week ranged from 2.3°F below normal in Illinois to 2.5°F above normal in Mic...

  • Article #179: September 15-21, 2022

    Entire Midwest Experienced Above Normal Temperatures, Broken Records Warmer temperatures returned this week as the entire Midwest observed temperature...

  • Article #180: September 22-30, 2022

    Fall Brings Cooler, Below-normal Temperatures After summer-like temperatures last week, fall came in full force during the last week of September. A c...

  • Article #182: October 1-7, 2022

    Regional Variation in Temperatures Average temperatures varied up to 8°F above normal in the northwest to as much as 6°F below normal in the southeast...

  • Article #183: October 8-14, 2022

    Cooler Temperatures Throughout the Midwest Average temperatures were below average throughout the region, with deviations up to 6°F below normal. The...

  • Article #184: October 15-21, 2022

    Below Average Temperatures Continue Temperatures throughout the Midwest were well below average again this week, with the largest deviations (up to -1...

  • Article #185: October 22-31, 2022

    Warmer Temperatures Throughout the Region After a few weeks of below-average temperatures in the Midwest, the last week of October brought above-norma...

  • Article #189: November 1-7, 2022

    Unseasonably Warm Temperatures The first week of November brought above-average temperatures for the entire Midwest. The largest temperature deviation...

  • Article #190: November 8-14, 2022

    Below Normal Temperatures in the West; Above Normal in the East This week, much of the Midwest saw near-normal temperatures, with cooler-than-normal t...

  • Article #191: November 15-21, 2022

    Widespread Unseasonably Cold Temperatures This week, average temperatures were well below normal throughout the Midwest (Figure 1). Statewide, Missour...

  • Article #209: November 22-30, 2022

    Above Normal Temperatures This week, average temperatures were near normal to above normal in much of the Midwest (Figure 1). Statewide, Minnesota saw...

  • Article #210: December 1-7, 2022

    Near-Normal Temperatures The first week of December brought normal temperatures to the central Midwest, below normal temperatures in the northwest and...

  • Article #214: December 8-14, 2022

    Widespread Above-Normal Temperatures This week, temperatures were well above normal throughout the whole Midwest, except for a small area in Michigan’...

  • Article #215: December 15-21, 2022

    Western Below-Normal Temperatures; Near-Normal in the East Average temperatures this week were below normal in the western Midwest and near normal in...

  • Article #217: December 22-31, 2022

    Overall, Below-Normal Temperatures; Unseasonable Warm and Cold Looking at the last week of December, temperatures were below normal throughout the ent...

  • Article #224: January 1-7, 2023

    Warm Temperatures Ring in the New Year For the first week of 2023, the Midwest saw temperatures that were well above normal, except in western Minneso...