Article #898: July 2011
Midwest Overview - July 2011 A Summer Sauna Hot and humid weather held sway across the Midwest for most of the month of J...
Midwest Overview - July 2011 A Summer Sauna Hot and humid weather held sway across the Midwest for most of the month of J...
Midwest Overview - June 2011 June Rains June precipitation was two to three times normal from southeast Iowa to south...
Midwest Overview - May 2011 A Fickle May Average daily temperatures during May ranged from 1°F to 3°F below no...
Midwest Overview - April 2011 Lots of April Showers Rainfall totals were above average for most locations in the Midwest....
Midwest Overview - March 2011 Winter Hangs on North March temperatures were well below normal across the snow-covered...
Midwest Overview - February 2011 Big Temperature Swings in February February temperatures saw big swings in the middl...
Midwest Overview - January 2011 Cold and Snowy January was a cold and generally snowy month, but was otherwise unev...
Midwest Overview - December 2010 Precipitation Precipitation varied across the Midwest and across Iowa in particular. P...
Midwest Overview - November 2010 A Changeable Month The first three weeks of November were characterized by wide wee...
Midwest Overview - October 2010 Dry October October was a relatively dry month in the Midwest (Figure 1). On...
Midwest Overview - September 2010 Wet and Cool Northwest, Warm and Dry Southeast September weather in the Midwest was cha...
Midwest Overview - August 2010 Warm August Temperatures August was warm across the Midwest (Figure 1)....
Midwest Overview - July 2010 Heavy Rains Were the Big Story in July Precipitation for the month varied from less tha...
Midwest Overview - June 2010 Heavy Rains for Much of the Midwest June was a wet month for much of the region. Precipitati...
Midwest Overview - May 2010 May Features Improving Growing Weather Planting of corn and soybeans was well ahead of nor...
Midwest Overview - April 2010 Precipitation Precipitation was below normal for most of the Midwest in April (Figure 1)....
Midwest Overview - March 2010 A Mild, Dry Month Winter made a quick transition to spring across the Midwest in March....
Midwest Overview - February 2010 February Temperatures February temperatures were below normal for most of the Midwest...
Midwest Overview - January 2010 Precipitation and Snow Precipitation was near (within 1/2 inch) or above normal acro...
Midwest Overview - December 2009 Temperature December temperatures ranged from several degrees below normal along the west...