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Midwest Regional Climate Center

Flood Awareness - Prepare & Mitigate

Preparedness | Reducing Flood Risk | Levees

The flood of 1913 was historic. It shed light on the need for advanced planning before a disaster strikes. Small steps, like making a family emergency plan and knowing an evacuation route to escape flood waters, could potentially save lives. But what about your property? In order to protect your home or business from flood waters, mitigation efforts need to be planned and implemented well in advance. Was your property flooded in the 1913 flood? Are you fully aware of your property and surrounding property flood history?

Most property owners are already aware if their property is in an area at risk of flooding, or may already have been flooded in the past. What, if any, actions have been made to protect the property from future floods? If the answer is none, then here are a few steps that can be taken:

  1. Buy barriers and/or sandbags that can be positioned outside a property to stop water getting in
  2. Move as much as possible above the expected flood level (furniture, cars, lawn mowers, etc.)
  3. Have silicone sealants at hand to seal up windows, doors, and brickwork
  4. Buy flood insurance to help recover and replace items damaged by a flood 

If you are building new property, be sure to check FEMA flood risk maps or information provided by your local community on the area's flood frequency. Below are links to tools that can help you find information to reduce the flood risk for you and your property.

What emergency supplies should I have ready?
How can I prepare my pets and livestock for a flood?
How can I make an emergency plan for my family?
What about a Business emergency plan?
Are there examples forr Community emergency action planning?


Reducing Flood Risk
How can flood damages be reduced?
What is floodplain management?


What is a levee?
What should I know if I live behind a levee?
What is the USACE Levee Safety Program?
How are levees accredited?
What is a Provisionally Accredited Levee (PAL)?
What should communities with levees do?