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Midwest Regional Climate Center

Flood Awareness - During & After a Flood

DURING:  Weather & Flood Predictions | Preparing for Imminent Flood | Evacuation | Finding Local Information
AFTER:    Immediate/Short-Term after a Flood | Long-Term after a Flood

Weather, Current Conditions & Flood Predictions
What is the weather forecast?
What is the predicted flood level?
Where can I see current stream and river levels for my area?
Are there any apps for my SmartPhone or other mobile devices?


Preparing for an Imminent Flood
How do I prepare if a flood seems imminent?
How do I shelter in place?


Evacuation Information
When do I evacuate?
What should I take with me?
Where do I go for shelter?
Where can I find information on travel conditions?
Is it safe to drive?
What do I need to consider when evacuating someone with special needs?
What do I do with my large/farm animals?


Finding Local Information
How do I get in contact with my local Emergency Management Agency (EMA)?
Where can I get local flood information?


After a Flood: Immediate and Short-Term
Is my house habitable?
My home is damaged - who do I tell, what can I do before the insurance agent arrives, and how do I rebuild?
What financial assistance is available?
When can I enter my home and what steps should I take after I do?
I have/do not have insurance - what do I do?
Where can I get basic necessities?
How do I handle my belongings?
Where can I recover vital records?
Where can I find information about travel conditions?


After a Flood: Long-Term
How does my community begin to rebuild?
What can I do to lessen my loss next time?
What is mitigation?
What funding is available for mitigation?
What do I need a permit for?
What do I do about my crop damage?
How can I help others recover from a flood?