Article #251: February 7-13, 2001
February 7-13, 2001 After the very quiet week previous to this one, the Midwest was visited by a major winter storm on Feb...
February 7-13, 2001 After the very quiet week previous to this one, the Midwest was visited by a major winter storm on Feb...
February 1-6, 2001 February started off very quietly, with small temperature anomalies and little precipitation. Two clipp...
January 24-31, 2001: A shift in the jet stream set a large trough to the west of the Midwest during the last week of Jan...
January 17-23, 2001: The Midwest continued to be dry the next week, January 17-23, although temperatures were cooler. Th...
January 10-16, 2001 Temperatures averaged well above normal during the January 10-16 period, with the largest departures a...
January 1-9, 2001 The beginning of the New Year was rather calm and dry in the Midwest. A few weak clipper systems brought...
December 20-31, 2000: A series of "Alberta Clipper" storm systems brought more snow and reinforced the very cold weat...
December 13-19, 2000: Three separate winter storms traveled through the Midwest during the week of December 13-19. Th...
December 6-12, 2000 The week of December 6-12 started quietly but ended with a huge winter storm. Precipitation from th...
December 1-5, 2000 During the period December 1 through 5, two light precipitation snow events occurred in the Midwest. While th...
November 22-30, 2000: Since the 21st, only the extreme southern Midwest received as much as 0.5 inches of rain as a pow...
November 15-21, 2000: Conditions turned markedly cooler during the second half of November, and was also drier, except i...
November 8-14, 2000 The period of November 8-14 continued the previous eastwards shift of the long wave pattern to place t...
November 1-7, 2000 The first week of November showed the beginning of a shift in weather patterns. The strong trough that b...
October 21-31, 2000: The last week of October was dominated by dry and warm conditions in the Midwest. Only Minnesota, n...
October 13-20, 2000 Cool conditions gave way at mid-month to a very warm and dry second half of October in the Midwest. A weak cold front began movin...
October 1-12, 2000 October began with some warm weather, as a high pressure center gradually moved to the east. The Midwest came under the influence...